Frequently Asked Questions
Yellow Hibiscus ships all across the USA.
Unfortunately, we do not ship outside of the good ole U.S. but we may be inclined to make an exception for our neighbors in Canada. Email us at info@yellowhibiscusgallery for more information.
Do you offer FREE shipping?
We currently do not offer free shipping, but with your continued support, we hope to get to a point where we can afford to do so in the future.
We try our best to ensure that your orders are processed and shipped within 5 business days. However, we cannot guarantee that. We do however promise to ship your order in a reasonable amount of time.
Will I be charged for Customs?
Within the United States, we hope not. Canada — maybe? But as we said earlier, we don’t typically ship outside of the U.S.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Paypal. If you want to pay cash, we can work something out. Of course you know we will have to meet in a public place, with lots of lighting and witnesses.
You may return any piece of artwork you purchase from us, within 7 days of the arrival of the work for a refund of your purchase price, minus any applicable shipping and handling fee. We only ask that you return the piece in the same manner as you received it.
Unfortunately, New York State requires that we charge you a tax for items sold here, and since we are a New York based company, we can't escape this requirement.
Some of the most awesome contemporary artists that you’ve never heard off, but should know because they are going to change the art world.
The almighty American dollar!!